Jumat, 09 April 2010

How to Add Google AdSense to Feedburner

Finally, Google has fully integrated Feedburner as one of their services. Google Adsense has merged Feedburner into its arsenal also.

1. Sign-up for a Google Adsense account.[1]

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* If a publisher already has a Google Adsense account, he/she simply needs to log into it.
* On your reports overview page under the “Adsense for Mobile Content” line, you will notice “Adsense for Feeds”, click the “Get Started” link.
* The “Get Started” page will look similar to the “Activate FeedBurner Ad Network and/or Google AdSense for Content” feedburner.com page discussed above.
* Near the bottom of the page, you will see an inviting link to gaining help and support for migrating your feed into adsense….or, visa versa.
* The process is quite 20th century-like from here on out, because the publisher must then email, adsense-support-aff@google.com his/her Feedburner account username, and Google Account email address used to sign in to Adsense.
* Google will respond via email with a lovely note similar to the following:
o “Hello FabulousAndTechfilled.com,
o Success!
o Effective immediately, you can access your feeds by signing into your Google Account when you visit http://feedburner.google.com. You will no longer be able to sign in to feedburner.com, but that's okay: from now on, there is no reason to do so.

2. All of your feeds have been moved into this new account, and an initial batch of your most recent 30 days' traffic stats has been loaded up. (Your entire stats history, should it go beyond the last 30 days, will be added at a future date.)

3. To repeat: visit http://feedburner.google.com from this point forward to view and manage your feeds.
o If you want to use AdSense for feeds, you may now do so. Visit http://www.google.com/adsense and click "AdSense for Feeds" under the Get Ads section to get started.
o Sincerely,
o The Google AdSense Team”

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